It is so hard to believe that Paisley is now 2 months old. Which means that it has been that long since I wrote anything on the blog. Sorry for the lack of update...but in my defense, I've been busy spending all my time with a certain "little one".
Today, October 20th, I took Paisley for her 2 month well child check with the pediatrician. She is growing like a weed! The doctor & nurses absolutely LOVE her, but how could they not, right!? ;o)
She had to get 3 shots...which was expected. Yet, didn't make it any easier to watch her little lip quiver with sadness and pain. She moved on from that pretty quick though, when I scooped her up to cuddle after the nurse was done.
Here are her stats as of her 2 Month appointment:
height: 22.5 inches
weight: 11 lbs 10 ozs
She is now drinking about 6 ozs per feeding & sleeping 6-7 hours at night. We're spoiled, I know! She is easily entertained and loves to laugh & smile.