Friday, January 2

Mommy's Memories

July 22 we were given the news of Baby Todd’s heart condition. He was later diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. The doctor explained to us that the left side of his heart was not adequately developed and with out surgery he would not survive. We were also told that with this condition Baby Todd would most likely never play soccer or be able to do work on the farm. As disappointing as it was to hear this news, I knew that this was God’s way of telling us he had bigger plans in store for us and Baby Todd.
I was blessed with many memories in my short three weeks with Baby Todd. Memories that I will forever cherish and hold close to my heart. Carrying him to the Operating Room for his very first surgery, being excited for his first “wet diaper”, tickling his feet, holding his hand and looking into his big blue eyes and encouraging him to “hang on…it wouldn’t be much longer”.
Over the last several months, and the last three weeks especially, we continually prayed that God would give us a miracle. God was truly faithful and answered our prayers, and gave us our miracle. Through the overwhelming and ever changing emotions we have experienced, we still consider ourselves blessed to have been chosen to be Baby Todd’s earthly parents.


The Amstutz Family said...

Hi Jerri,
What beautiful reflections from your mommy's heart. The service today was so touching and seemed to so effectively grasp the legacy and "call to faith" that baby Todd imparted to so many of us. I admire your courage in being so open and sharing so much of your heart with us over the last number of months. Thanks for allowing baby Todd to draw us closer to Jesus. We will keep praying for you guys as you adjust to life on this side of things. Let me know if you need a day out sometime. You know where to find me! Blessings to you, my friend.
~ Danae

annie and jared said...

Jerri & Dustin, ( We Love You!!) We also thank God for being so faithful! He did answer our prayers! It has been so encouraging to see how many lives have been moved/changed by this precious child! God created us so that we could worship Him, and it is a joy to see that your foundation of faith and trust has not been shaken, more so, it has been grown in a stronger more concrete way than we ever imagined. You've done nothing, but WORSHIP God through all of this!! Thank you for sharing your love, tears, ups and down with us all! We can't thank you enough for all you have blessed US with! Your a beautiful sister in Christ, and my prayer is that my faith and walk with the Lord can be as unshaken and wholesome as your and Dustin's walk with the Lord which has been shown to all of us in such a BIG way!!
Love and prayers! Annie & Jared Kuhns

Anonymous said...

I thought the funeral service was so very nice. How courageous of both of you to get up and speak. Thanks for posting what you shared as I couldn't remember everything.

Love and Prayers,
Aunt Hannah