Thursday, August 14

21 weeks...August 1, 2008

Honey & I were now on our way to meet with Baby's cardiologist.
I had an hour long ultrasound with an Echocardiogram. Dr. Robinson (the cardiologist) took pictures of every possible angle of Baby's heart, plus monitored blood flow and the heartbeat. When we arrived for our appointment, we were expecting to see Baby's heart with full sized right chambers and underdeveloped (small) left chambers that may or may not have blood flow. At the previous appointment the doctor and sonographer didn't take any measurements of Baby's heart...they weren't of significant size.
We spent the past week in prayer...and I mean PRAYER!
We had friends & family in PA, MD and NJ praying for Baby.
After our ultrasound, we met with Dr. Robinson to discuss what he found. He was able to measure the left 2 chambers of the heart, and chart accurate blood flow. Baby's heart was fully functioning - properly! PRAISE GOD
The problem was that the left side still wasn't big enough to be sustainable after delivery. Baby would still need open heart surgery...but not immediately after he is born. I was now told I would be able to naturally deliver Baby in Harrisburg, but he would need to be transported to Dupont with in 4-6 hours to be prepped for surgery.

*Baby was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS)
* Harrisburg Hospital specializes in babies with Congenital Heart Disease, however only 1% of those cases are diagnosed with HLHS
* The left chambers of Baby's heart measured to 50% of the size of the right chambers!
Last week, they were too small to measure and didn't have adequate blood flow.


Emily said...

I will be joining you in your prayers. God can give him a "normal" heart.

Thanks for sharing this. The more prayer the better!

Erika said...

HLHS mama here. Our son is 2 1/2 and post-Fontan (the third surgery). He just started school and is wonderfully energetic and incredibly bright for his age. You'd never know that he has HLHS. There is HOPE!!!!!

Our son's website is

Please - email me if you need to talk or have questions. We'll answer just about anything. :-)